Thursday, January 28, 2010

Yesterday for lunch I had a bowl of chili. It was from my store, but I brought it home and dressed it up with some shredded cheese, jalapenos and sour cream. On a cold day in January, that's mighty yummy

Monday, January 18, 2010

Sweats. These are the Hanes sweatpants and old sweatshirt I got from my brother, and you really have no idea how much time I spend in them. :)

Also, my local country music station that does a drive-home show from 4-6. They do these trivia questions and people call in trying to guess the answer (I'm not thinking about people driving home and calling the radio show at the same time) and I learn stuff. Like, did you know 2 out of 3 people need 2 alarm clocks to wake up in the morning?

Friday, January 15, 2010

Crawling back into bed for a little extra snuggle time. This can be rare because we have to be home on the same days... But it's a great way to spend the morning!

Then that first sip of coffee. Which lasts until afternoon.

And lounging around in silky PJ pants and an old concert T.

Ah... what a wonderful life... :)

Friday, January 8, 2010

Today I discovered I can get morning talk shows until noon! Crazy little things....

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My chair is a marvelous thing.

It's not solely my chair, it's not new, it's not fancy, I didn't even buy it. It's a hand-me-down, overstuffed chair, of the sort that comes with any 3-piece living room set (I also have the loveseat, the couch went a different direction long ago).

It's comfy, the arms are wide enough to hold a cup or a laptop, and the ottoman goes nicely in front of it. It's currently surrounded by Sunday's paper, a cell phone, my cordless mouse and a cup of tea. As soon as I sit, I relax, and I can spend hours, right here, accomplishing... nothing.

It's a refuge from the world.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

I've never been the all-out kind on New Year's. My mom never wanted me to go out, so I'd have friends over and we'd watch a movie, snack, and that's that. Once I got older and could go out, it just never felt right. I can go out any night of the year - New Year's? That just became about reflection and good friends for me.

We had my neighbor over, and a friend from Shakopee, and one of my good friends stopped by. It was good to see them all, and all I really needed. These people are blessings in my life, and it was nice to be able to say adios to 2009 with them.